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SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems

Table of Contents
Volume 5, Issue 4, pp. 529-807

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Phase Boundaries as Electrically Induced Phosphenes

Jonathan D. Drover and G. Bard Ermentrout

pp. 529-551

Existence and Wandering of Bumps in a Spiking Neural Network Model

Carson C. Chow and S. Coombes

pp. 552-574

Pulses in Nonlinearly Coupled Schrödinger Equations I. A Homoclinic Flip Bifurcation

Russell K. Jackson

pp. 575-597

Three Is a Crowd: Solitary Waves in Photorefractive Media with Three Potential Wells

Todd Kapitula, P. G. Kevrekidis, and Zhigang Chen

pp. 598-633

Geometric Relations of Absolute and Essential Spectra of Wave Trains

Jens D. M. Rademacher

pp. 634-649

Motion Planning for an Articulated Body in a Perfect Planar Fluid

Juan B. Melli, Clarence W. Rowley, and Dzhelil S. Rufat

pp. 650-669

Neural Fields with Distributed Transmission Speeds and Long-Range Feedback Delays

Fatihcan M. Atay and Axel Hutt

pp. 670-698

Delayed-Mutual Coupling Dynamics of Lasers: Scaling Laws and Resonances

T. W. Carr, I. B. Schwartz, Min-Young Kim, and Rajarshi Roy

pp. 699-725

The Kelvin–Helmholtz Instability of Momentum Sheets in the Euler Equations for Planar Diffeomorphisms

Robert I. McLachlan and Stephen R. Marsland

pp. 726-758

Transition from Rotating Waves to Modulated Rotating Waves on the Sphere

Adela N. Comanici

pp. 759-782

Wave Radiation by Balanced Motion in a Simple Model

J. Vanneste

pp. 783-807